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Showing posts from June, 2019

To get all datastores with Naa id of an ESX host

$esxName = "ESX Name" $tmp = @() Get-VMHost -Name $esxName | Get-Datastore | Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.Info.GetType().Name -eq "VmfsDatastoreInfo"} | ForEach-Object { if ($_) { $Datastore = $_ $tmp += $Datastore.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent | Select-Object -Property @{Name="Name";Expression={$Datastore.Name}},DiskName } } $tmp | export-csv -NotypeInformation diskinfo.csv

To get IP address and Mac address of multiple windows servers.

$d = "null" $i = 0 $svrs = gc server.txt $total = $svrs.Count $d = foreach ($Inputmachine in $svrs )     {           $i++     try{     Write-Progress -Activity "Scanning Server .... " -Status ("Server : {0}" -f $Inputmachine ) -PercentComplete ($i/$total*100) -Id 0      }      catch{}         if (!(test-Connection -Cn $Inputmachine -quiet))             {             Write-Host "$Inputmachine : Is offline`n" -BackgroundColor Red             }         else             {             $MACAddress = "N/A"     ...

To find multipath of multiple ESXi hosts from a cluster

$vmhosts = Get-Cluster "cluster name" | Get-VMHost foreach($vmhost in $vmhosts) {   $hostview = get-view $   $hostview.Config.StorageDevice.ScsiTopology.Adapter |?{ $_.Adapter -like "*FibreChannelHba*" } | %{         $hba = $_.Adapter.Split("-")[2]         $active = 0         $standby = 0         $dead = 0         $_.Target | %{             $_.Lun | %{                 $id = $_.ScsiLun                 $multipathInfo = $view.Config.StorageDevice.MultipathInfo.Lun | ?{ $_.Lun -eq $id }                 $a = [ARRAY]($multipat...

Dell EMC VxRail – VMware Virtual SAN Stretched Cluster

Logical Diagram of VMware vSAN Stretched Cluster Physical Diagram of VMware vSAN Stretched Cluster Last week I deployed a test environment of VMware vSAN Stretched Cluster which is running on Dell EMC VxRail Appliance. In this post we will describe how to setup VMware vSAN Stretched Cluster on Dell EMC VxRail Appliance. Above figure is the high level of physical system diagram. In site A/B there are six VxRail Appliances and two 10GB Network Switch which are interconnected by two 10GB links, and each VxRail Appliance has one 10GB uplink connects to each Network Switch. In site C, there are one vSAN Witness host and one 10GB Network Switch. For the details of configuration of each hardware equipment in this environment, you can reference the followings. Site A (Preferred Site) 3 x VxRail E460 Appliance Each node includes 1 x SSD and 3 x SAS HDD, 2 x 10GB SFP+ ports 1 x 10GB Network switch Site B (Secondary Site) 3 x VxRail E460 Appliance Each node includes 1 x SSD and...

Cisco HyperFlex Systems Dashboard

When you login into  HyperFlex Dashboard  by administrator, that dashboard is showing the current status of the cluster in UCS Manager. Click  Performance  in the side menu, it shows the performance display for the servers in the cluster. Click  Virtual Machines  in the side menu, it shows the status of each virtual machine is runing in the cluster.

vCenter Server Options on VxRail Appliance

In this post we will discuss the pros and cons of vCenter Server deployment on VxRail. During VxRail initialization we can choose two options for vCenter Server deployment, both options are “Deploy new vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA)” and “Join existing vCenter Server”. We should know its limitation before we choose the each option. You can find the details as below. If we choose the bundle vCenter Server deployment The vCenter Service Server Appliance (VCSA), vCenter Server Platform Services Controller (PSC) and vRealize Log Insight VM are already pre-loaded on each VxRail node. When VxRail initialization it can deploy these VMs automatically based on our business requirement. Pros The vCenter Server (VCSA) deployment is done automatically. When installing software package upgrade for the VxRail Manager, both VCSA and PSC includes the processing of package upgrade. VMware Log Insight is deployed automatically The vCenter license is bundled on VxRail Appliance. C...

VxRail 4.0 – Scale Out

The above is the physical diagram of VxRail Cluster (3 nodes). In this post I will show how to add one VxRail Appliance into this VxRail Cluster (From 3 nodes to 4 nodes). NOTE: The model of each VxRail Appliance is E460. Before the node expansion, you need to verify each Appliance is running in health in dashboard of VxRail Manager. The above is the final physical diagram of VxRail Cluster after scale out. Now we start the node expansion. You have just mounted a new VxRail Appliance (E460) and cabled it up to the top of each rack switch. When you power it on you can see a notification appear in the top left corner of VxRail dashboard. Click “ Add Node “. When you initially configured your VxRail Appliance, you specified an IP pool for ESXi, vMotion and vSAN. You can see that there available IP addresses in these pools, so the only additional action is to set an ESXi password. Click the scroll bar, then click the “ ESXi Password “. Enter the  ESXi  and ...